Saturday, July 18, 2015

Religion and Geopolitics Review: Saturday, July 18

                                            by David Pence and A. Joseph Lynch

                                                           IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL

The most heavily armed nuclear power in the Mideast is Israel. The most dangerous and volatile nuclear power is Pakistan. They are both enemies of Iran. The most destabilizing regime in the Mideast is Saudi Arabia which continues to harbor the Wahhabi salafist Sunni movement that threatens to redefine Sunni Islam, destroy Shiite Islam, and then war with Christians and Jews around the world. The most important element of this agreement, and the saving legacy of the Obama presidency is that we may learn to understand that in the religious war against salafist Sunnis, Iran must be our ally. The nuclear weapons of Pakistan and the chance that salafist Sunnis could dominate that country is a strangely neglected truth in our confused national narrative on the Mideast, and weapons of mass destruction. The Islamic Bomb is not a Shiite notion. This agreement is not between "Obama and Iran".
It has been signed by Russia, China, Germany, Britain, and France, as well as Iran and the U.S. The significance of this agreement will not be about curbing nuclear technology but about initiating a more fundamental realignment of U.S. strategy in the Mideast.


In Kenya, officials ask that President Obama during his visit to his father's homeland not push homosexuality as a human right.

In Kenya, it was their Parliament. In Nigeria the bishops as a group were unequivocal in denouncing the globalization of homosexuality.

                                       THE POPE CONFUSES THE SEXUAL LEFT 

The gender-confused 'National Catholic Reporter' is not happy about this, but they report accurately that Pope Francis has a deep affinity with the charismatic Christian movement and sees them as allies in building a Christian culture.

                                           WHO FIGHTS THE RUSSIANS 

The US effort to train Ukrainians against the Russians has made a strange bedfellow in Muslim Chechyans who want to fight the Russians.

                                     DEBT IS A DEFINING ISSUE OF OUR TIME 

Both Argentina and Greece have large debts to pay. The Pope has spoken often of the structure of world debt as a major injustice. Greece and Argentina differ, in that Greece owes some large international institutions. Argentina's restructuring is being thwarted by "vulture loan companies." This article at a Jewish website, 'Forward', protests against the mention of Shakespeare's Jewish money-lender, Shylock, by the Argentine president. The author then goes on to expose the role of Jewish investor Peter Singer in 'Commentary' magazine, LGBT causes, Republican funding, and high-risk high-interest loans to countries such as Argentina.

One argument why conservatives should cheer on the crazy Greek leftists who maybe aren't so crazy.


Why are corporations always on the gay side in the culture wars?

                                                          THE REAL BATTLE 

The world against the monastery from Dostoevsky.

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