Saturday, June 2, 2018

Religion and Geopolitics Review: Saturday, June 2

By Dr. David Pence and A. Joseph Lynch


POPE FRANCIS AND THE DRAMA IN CHILEA persistent critic of the pope sees real good in the necessary and dramatic reshaping of a whole national episcopacy. Phil Lawler, another Pope Francis critic, thinks he sees a light as well - maybe. AOA sees this as the renewal of priestly fraternity over careerism and predation. The synodal strategy of Pope Francis takes a whole new form.

ON FORM AND TRADITION - THE TRUTH IS PASSED DOWN IN A CERTAIN FORM: The Catholic Mass - the Incarnation through time.

"Matt Flynn, a prominent Wisconsin Democrat running for governor, has come under attack by critics who say he participated in allowing abusive priests to continue in ministry and for aggressively pursuing legal fees against their victims who sued the Milwaukee Archdiocese. Flynn was the chief counsel handling sex abuse matters for the archdiocese from 1989 until 2004."
What they don't add is that the archbishop during his employment shared his disdain for sodomy victims. Archbishop Rembert Weaklind took $450,000 from the archdiocese to pay off one of his longtime male boyfriends. He was the archbishop of the archdiocese from 1977-2002. Flynn was his hardball lawyer helping him make life very difficult for those who tried to complain about sodomy. Weakland said reporting abuse by Catholic priests or employees was "squealing." There has not been a great Tom Wolfe essay yet on how the Democratic Party moved from being the party of soldiers and workingmen and turned to the coalition of feminists and homosexuals. The large urban Catholic chanceries were also dominated by homosexuals in that era. It was a toxic mix that destroyed the soul of the Democratic party and the Christian character of the civil rights movement.

POPE FRANCIS ON HOMOSEXUAL SEMINARIANS: From Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (May 23, 2018):
"At Vatican Insider I spotted something interesting. Each Spring the Italian bishops have a plenary meeting at the Vatican’s Paul VI hall, in the smaller hall where the Synod usually meets. The Pope attends at least part of the meeting. This year was no exception. This year the Pope told them… my fast translation from the Italian original:

“If there’s a doubt about homosexuality, it’s better not to have them enter the seminary.” The words of the Pope in the closed door session with the Italian bishops: “Discernment is needed”. Reaffirmed what was in the Vatican documents of 2005 and 2016

With the pastors of the CEI (Italian bishops conference) – Vatican insider learned – Francis, speaking about the downturn in vocations, one of his “three worries” for the Italian church, he was, instead, more straightforward and, inviting the bishops to oversee more the quality of future priests, then the quantity, explicitly mentioned cases of homosexual persons who desire, for various motives, to enter into the seminary. Then he invited the bishops to a “careful discernment”, adding: “if you have also the slightest doubt it’s better not to let them enter”.

One indication, from the Pope, that expresses his deep concern: these tendencies, which are “deeply rooted”, and the practice of “homosexual acts”, can compromise the life of the seminary beyond that of the young man himself and an eventual future priesthood. They can generate those “scandals” of which the Pope had spoken in his discourse at the opening of the assembly of the Italian bishops in the new hall of the Synod, that disfigure the face of the Church.

Between the lines one can read what was already put in black and white by Pope Francis in a letter of meditation given brevi manu [directly] to the Chile in bishops during their meeting in the Vatican. In a note added to the text. The Pontiff denounced verified problems in seminaries where – as he wrote – bishops and religious superiors have entrusted control to “priests suspected of practicing homosexuality”.

There’s more, but it mainly reviews what previous documents say about homosexual candidates or seminarians. I suspect someone will translate the whole thing soon… for the sake of general Jesuit reading. To the bishops: “If you think that the guy is homosexual, don’t put him in the seminary.” The Pontiff – the Pontifex… “Bridge Builder” – says that “This bridge is closed!” I wonder what that means for those who are already ordained.


THE REAL FOREIGN COLLUSION AND INTELLIGENCE FAILURE OF THE AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY ESTABLISHMENTThe Saudi lobby stirs up hate against Iran and Shiites everywhere. The article is an excellent survey of Saudi manipulation of our foreign policy. As usual, there is no explanation of how this is tied to the religious ideology and particular form of Islamic law that drives the Kingdom. The Saudi-Iran dispute is not so much a conflict between two nation states as a royal family in collusion with an anti-nationalist, anti Shiite religious movement. Iran as a Shiite Persian nation has no goal to replace nation states with a caliphate. Wahhabi Islam does. Iranian Shiites do not propose that the Sunnis are not part of the Islamic umma and thus can be killed. Wahhabi Islam does propose that Shiites are a betrayal to the umma to be rectified by the sword.

From Fact and Fear by James Clapper:
"Of course, the Russian effort affected the outcome. Surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a Trump win. To conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense, and credulity to the breaking point,"

"Less than eighty thousand votes in three key states swung the election," ... "I have no doubt that more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russians."
HOSTILITY FROM NORTH KOREA WAS REALPresident Trump called off the talks with North Korea because of the tremendous hostility which he detected in the most recent statements from North Korea. That hostility was real, justified and generated by John Bolton and then from Mike Pence. Their unfortunate repeated references to the "Libyan model" was a threat against the life of the very leader we were supposed to negotiate with. That was not the only problem. China has to be part of any overall solution and does not want a separate peace concluded with their neighbor while hostility toward them is on the rise. President Trump believes that after a second meeting with China's Xi JinPing, North Korea's Kim Jung Un took on a different face. There are many voices from the right working to portray China as the principal implacable future foe of the United States. This includes Marco Rubio and Steve Bannon.  President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo then put the talks back on schedule. Mainstream media depicts this remarkable  diplomacy as negotiating with evil men illegally because we are still in a state of war with North Korea. What if President Obama or Secretary Clinton had made such a breakthrough? How would their grinding swords into ploughshares be reported?

THE PRINCES AND THE PRESIDENT...and the fundraiser who allied with UAE and Saudi Arabia against Qatar and Rex Tillerson.


A MALE TEACHER PROTECTS HIS OWN: Every male from 18-55 has a duty to protect the community he lives in. Living the militia ideal is teacher Jason Seaman of Indiana.

FOR FIFTY YEARS BIOLOGY CLASSES AND NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUMS HAVE TAUGHT AS DOGMA THAT HUMANS ARE ANIMALS: President Trump fumed that the vicious MS13 gang members are "animals" and suddenly America's left wing media was arguing for the unique presence of the human soul. Remember, next time you are in biology class - don't call humans animals! Actually there is a horrific demonic component to some of the most violent Latin gangs and their anti-Marian cult of Santa Muerte - Holy Death. Animals don't torture their own. It is more a signature of the Evil One.

MS13The best documentary we found.

Two of the most important men in the Southern Baptist "conservative resurgence" of 1979-1990 were  Paige Patterson and advisor  Paul Pressler. Patterson has been ousted from the Board of Southwestern Theological Seminary for failing to deal with the rape of a Southern Baptist woman at a college he headed years before. It is a stunning fall from grace.  This instance of leadership failure may be the tip of an iceberg. The other chief architect of the Conservative resurgence, retired Texas judge Pressler appears (like so many still concealed Catholic clerics) to be a homosexual predator. Pressler is a wolf garbed as a shepherd. Did Patterson know that too?  Part of the deal in the sexual order of male headship is that the males in authority provide protection.  Males are leaders not because they are males but because they are mature effective men who provide the best protective icon of the Father God. In an evil world the mission of men is to make deep protective agreements under God and protect the widows and orphans and outcasts as well as the church members. It is very healthy to shine the light on predators posing as protectors. Male leadership is not inherent in the y chromosome but the covenanted male soul. These men hid behind their chromosomes but their souls were twisted indeed. Rod Dreher excellent review at American Conservative.

Roseanne Barr who plays a Trump supporting housewife on a popular TV sitcom has had her program cancelled because she tweeted that Valerie Jarret, an Obama advisor was a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes. The Ape comment felt like that old Darwinian notion that black people look like apes and are not as evolved as white folks. Roseanne Barr is a foul mouthed atheist who has disrespected every symbol of America that "Trump women" would respect. She performed a garish rendition of the national anthem just to remind people her very un-Trumpian ways. Her interview with Dave Rubin is repulsive. She is not the Evangelical woman who voted for Donald Trump and who says grace before meals in real life. She is irreverent Hollywood making a buck by being a rebel. She is their version of a Trump supporter as Archie Bunker was Hollywood's Richard Nixon supporter. Good riddance to her masquerade as the female face of the forgotten American. God and Country-not quite Rosie's standards.

PHILLIP ROTH: The dead end of Jewish Angst and American Identity.


RIGHTS OF AN ENGLISHMAN - EXCEPT WHEN REPORTING ON GROOMING PRACTICES OF AN ISLAMIC GANG: The strange and troubling case of Tommy Robinson. More reporting on the unreportable.

NATIONALISM: Not universalist, not ethnic, but cultural.

SHIA AND NATIONALIST: The winner in Iraq election is no Western idealist nor is he an Iranian puppet.

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