Saturday, November 3, 2018

Religion, Nations and Geopolitics Review: Saturday November 3.


By Dr. David Pence and A. Joseph Lynch

                     Hatred, Jews, and Nationalism--Ordering the Loves and Loyalties  of Men.

46 war old Robert Bowers killed eleven Jewish members of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on the Sabbath Oct 27, 2018.  He yelled "I want to kill all Jews." Earlier that day he had posted a message decrying HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society) for flooding the country with "invaders that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I'm going in." Like the 2017 faction of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Bowers was  anti Trump for "being globalist". Like the Charlottesville speakers who condemned Trump for allowing "his beautiful daughter to marry a kike" Bowers associated  Trump with the "kike infestation."
 Most of the mainstream media however quickly associated the killing of Jews with the "hateful rhetoric of the President" who had condemned hatred in his first statements after the killing. When President Trump visited the synagogue to pay his respects to the dead, a demonstration formed. A female Protestant minister yelled he was "not welcome in our neighborhood.. we welcome everybody."  A sign was brandished decrying  "Nazi President". President Trump visited without other media shy government officials but he was accompanied by his wife and the Israeli ambassador to America. The president came as head of our nation state to grieve the deaths of fellow citizens. He has recently said proudly, "I am a nationalist." This affirmation of TERRITORIAL national community which links Pittsburgh Jews and Georgia's black and white Christians and Boston's Irish Catholics is repeatedly treated by the media and university elite as a dog whistle to white racists. Below is a beautiful essay on being a Jew in America after this shooting.  We cannot repeat often enough but it must be repeated and explained. Nationalism is the antidote to racism not its expression.  As a nationalist I am tied in a fundamental bond of loyalty and shared duty to the black and brown men of my territory. Citizenship under God links Protestant, Catholic and Jew as we used to say and Muslim, Hindu and Sikh as we add now. Our multi color territorial bond distinguishes us  from the white highly educated globalist elites in the EU bureaucracy and at Davos conferences. Determining if American nationalism is a deep form of interracial brotherhood and love or a form of racist hate is a truth before us that we must resolve soon. The media and educational system who have turned communal identities like American nation or Christian nation into their opposites  are relentlessly undermining national unity. Hatred is a real force and it can only be overcome by ordered loves. While local officials and rude neighbors could not extend the simplest of courtesies to America's chief of state, Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the Synagogue had a very different message, “I am a citizen. He is my president. He is always welcome.”... “Hate is not blue, hate is not red, hate is not purple… hate is in all. Speak words of love, speak words of decency and of respect. When the message comes loud and clear, Americans will hear that and we can begin to change the tenor of our country."

 In 1947, Israel declared itself a territorial nation state once again to insure that Jews at worship or work could not be murdered without armed defense. President Trump, the nationalist, acknowledged the crucial territorial nature of Israel by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. He also reminded American synagogues that armed guards could have prevented this killing. Jair Bolsonaro the newly elected nationalist of the world's largest Catholic nation will soon follow President Trump's example in Israel. Thus the two "right wing nationalists " are the most forthright in defending the Jewish nation's right to territorial integrity. They are assertive about  government's duty to protect and maintain communal order.  Israeli Ambassador Ronald Dermer came to join the President in Pittsburgh to affirm the President's unique contribution to normalizing the Jewish nation state. It seems that actors on the world stage who understand the necessity of "armed love" in the face of hatred appreciate our president more than the educated elite of his own people. May his courage and good grace in the face of daily amplified vitriol and hatred be rewarded.
Robert Bower's father divorced his mother before he was one. His father later raped a woman in this same Pittsburgh neighborhood and then committed suicide awaiting trial. Robert Bowers had not yet turned seven.   


The Pope's last remarks to Synod on our Mother the Church, the Church's sinful sons and the accusations of Satan:

Pope Francis (10-27-2018) “Our mother, [the Church] is holy, but we the children are sinners,” he said. “Sinners, all of us. Let’s not forget this expression from the fathers [of the Church]: The Church is holy, the Mother is holy, with children who are sinners.” 

“At this moment, [the devil] is accusing us very strongly,” the pope said. “And this accusation becomes persecution.” 

This persecution can take the form of violence against Christians, as the one lived in regions in the Middle East, which was referenced before the pope’s remarks by Iraqi Cardinal Raphael Sako. But, Francis said, this persecution can take other shapes, “constant accusations, to dirty the Church.” “The Church is not dirty,” the pope said. “The children are, but the mother isn’t. This is the moment to defend the mother with prayer. It’s a difficult moment, because through us, the great accuser wants to attack the mother. And you don’t touch a mother.”

The Pope had asked the daily praying of the rosary during the “Marian month of October to unite the faithful “in communion and penance, as a people of God, in asking the Holy Mother of God and St. Michael the Archangel to protect the Church from the devil, who always aims to divide us from God and among us.” Prayer is the weapon against “the Great accuser who ‘travels around the world looking for accusations’.” Beyond daily praying of the rosary, the pope is also requesting that the faithful add two prayers: An ancient invocation Sub Tuum Praesidium to Our Lady and a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel “who protects and helps fight against evil,” according to the Book of Revelations.

{Ed note: When a group of men - a synod or junta of us - worked to clean our local archdiocese of the priestly pollution we made that same crucial distinction. We subtitled our white paper The Spotless Bride and the Scattered Apostles. Unbelievably, Raymond Arroyo of EWTN interpreted the pope's distinction of the perfect Mother and the sinful sons as the Pope's veiled jab at Archbishop Vigano for criticizing men of the Church.}  

Pope Francis  final homily - listen, neighbor, witness. Being a synod together - more important than the document.

Sub Tuum Praesidium
An ancient prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the oldest known version of which is found on an Egyptian papyrus from the 3rd century. This prayer is used in Litanies to the Blessed Mother and as a concluding prayer to Compline.

We Fly to Thy Patronage
WE fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

ROBERT ROYAL AND RAYMOND ARROYO ON THE  SYNOD - GOOD MEN GET AN AWFUL LOT WRONG: Bishop Synods and diocesan presbyters are the real public male group alternatives to the hidden homosexual clericalism of the present Chancery/Curia culture of modern Catholicism. Mr. Royal in his writing and with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN are criticizing the Synod for saying young people and the Church need a "deeper anthropological theological discussion of male and female identity and sexual inclinations". They look aghast and exclaim with horror that all of this has been settled by St John Paul II and the theology of the body and marriage. How horribly wrong the "papal posse" is about this glaring deficit in Catholic anthropology. Shall we really say the past two pontificates (when a thousand chanceries and the Roman Curia were flooded ever more deeply with "the homosexual plague") are a golden age on Church teachings about sex.  Really?

They missed the sexual agreements and ordered loves that form public life. They missed a reassertion of the Patriarchy of God and its most dramatic expression - the Apostolic priesthood. They missed the public fraternity of male groups in the priesthood and civic life. These are pretty big anthropological deficits in the marriage family centered teaching on sexuality. The sacramental foundation stones of the Catholic Church is not marriage but the all-male communio of the priesthood. The absolute cluelessness of the EWTN "conservative" commentators on synodality is also striking. Synods are not "audience participation" for everyone in the Church.  It may be that some of Pope Francis allies see it that way. But let us remember the only people who misunderstand Francis more than Arroyo and Royal  are the homosexual proponents like James Martin who think Francis is their guy.  Synods are one important way to replace the homosexual clericalism of the last century with the public Apostolic fraternity which forms the living foundation stones of the Church. Every time European bureaucrats have inserted homosexual love language in synodal documents - the male bishops of the Synod have struck them out. This has always been true for the African bishops and this time Bishop Chaput of America was pleasantly aggressive in driving the predator network underground. Public bodies of men in every diocese (presbyteral gatherings) and nation (episcopal conferences) are called to discharge their paternal duties by fraternal correction and fellowship. This is the synodal movement which carries on the real spirit of Vatican Two - the Holy Spirit who calls all men to public brotherhood through institutional fraternities of one Catholic priesthood and 200 civic territorial nationalisms. Just as marriage is an institutional formal expression of the love of male for female, so the nations are institutional formal expressions of the masculine brotherly love of fellow patriots. And thus are synods and diocesan presbyterial gatherings and the Pentecost of the Vatican II Council of Church Fathers--all are living forms of Christ and his Apostles in the highest form of brotherly love in service to the Father.  

IN ARGENTINA, THE PARLIAMENT REJECTS GENDER IDEOLOGY: The Pope ties together the war against marriage and the war against gender as ideological colonization. His countrymen hear him.

THE FRANCIS OPTIONAustin Ivereigh on the Francis Option. Austin Ivereigh quotes a lot of Francis but in this piece he substitutes a lot of his own British anti-Putin pro-homosexual biases in his attempt to recruit the Pope fro his narrative.  Ivereigh falls to that well known syndrome of the papal biographer(especially a good one)  taking on a papal persona and  tone of his own.

A MINYAN COULD HAVE SAVED SODOM. MINYANS AND SYNODS WILL SAVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Priests and laymen should form working groups of men to investigate and expose the sodomites amidst them. Clerical sodomites should be asked to resign on their own but then reported to church authorities and exposed if nothing is done. Bishops who will not cleanse their diocese of sodomites should be asked to resign by juntas or councils or synods of laymen.

Likewise different working groups should investigate bishops and present to the president of national or regional conferences the cases against those bishops who have committed sodomy at any time in their priesthood to be removed. Special ad hoc groups of men should form to investigate the cardinals who will enter the next papal conclave. We need to insure as few homosexuals enter the conclave as possible.  It takes a minyan to save a Sodom. A true renewal of brotherhood among priests and among priests and laymen and among bishops will drive out the homosexual plague. The pope is wisely asking for synods and priest retreats. These are the fraternal minyans, the priestly public gatherings where light must be shone on the predators. A firm resolution to rid the priesthood of sodomites must be proclaimed. The fraternal love of the priesthood is not cultivating particular affections but bonding by sharing common duties. It is a mightier bond than the cliques of chancery Nancys.

We do not need priests bringing this up in the pulpit during Mass in front of our kids. Bring it up when the adult males infiltrated by homosexuals are all together at some priest gathering. Resolve this at your presbyteral meetings, national conferences, deaneries and Synods. Talk about it at your parties and conferences. Act like men and remember the goal is not "to all come together". The goal is to expel who has to be expelled so the rest of you can truly come together and the Roman collar can regain its Christic luster.

The Mosaic priesthood was purified (Ex32:27) when the Levites killed a kinsman, a friend, and a neighbor to show their loyalty to God superseded the personal bonds formed in the time of the Golden Calf. That is a model. The best way to do these investigations its through an aggressive promoter of justice in each diocese investigating all clergy. A similar position should be established by bishop conferences to investigate bishops and those dioceses in which bishops are covering up or refusing to investigate and purify. Until then the lay groups with help from brotherly priests can get a lot of leg work done to make a list and check it twice. Our longer argument.

Mere Christianity does not keep us Catholic - Why we stay. by Casey Chalk at the Federalist

Christian Geopolitics: Ukraine, Russia Constantinople and Orthodoxy - a terrific exposition of the historical and geographic and ecclesial situation.


ANTISEMITISM IN PITTSBURGHA  Jew in America by John PodhoretzAfter Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, Nationalism is the Solution not the ProblemTo protect the Tree of Life - Arm the Jewish men.  Certainly that is one of the chief lessons of the State of Israel and all nations. The nation state is a male armed covenant protecting our shared sacred spaces.

IN BRAZIL, BOLSONARO FOR GOD AND NATIONIsrael welcomes his election. Almost every major news outlet marked his 55% (58 million) to 45% victory as a win for the "far right". Everywhere there was alarm. He identifies himself as a nationalist. He is willing to use physical force to establish order. There are 210 million people in Brazil - the largest Catholic country in the world. America led by Donald trump is the largest Protestant country - 310 million. Russia led by Vladimir Putin is the largest Orthodox Country - 145 million. If we can stop thinking in terms of the Anglo-Atlantic Alliance tying us to a fading white English speaking empire, then possibly these three great Christian nations of South America, North America, and Eurasia might form the nucleus of a more fraternal conception of relations among the nations under God. 

This writer is aghast at Bolsonaro victory but plenty of good facts. His election is a sea change for South America. We have a new model instead of Fidel Castro for popular national leadership. Nations need men - personalities to show a new path and policy. Finally a reformer who is an ally of the US and one who honors God over gender ideology. May Christian nations replace the anarchic view of foreign policy realism that leads us to unending wars and enmity. May a strong Christian leader in South America show the Catholic nations that a government's first duty is to rule and provide safety - a lesson the bishops and Pope could heed as well.

Bolsonaro wrecks the narrative that nationalism is racist. Video of discussion with Yoram Hazony on nationalism. He is author of Virtue of Nationalism.

Thinking about Immigration, Refugees, and the Caravan
Here is AOA Map on Today introducing Central America nations--always start with geography and demographics.
Honduras (8.9 million) was the original site of the caravan's origin. It is a glaring indictment of leadership in Honduras showing their inability to protect and govern. The country has that fatal combination of violent streets and a deep homosexual penetration of the Catholic clergy.  The Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa is headed by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga who is the coordinator of Pope Francis Council of Nine which he established as his own "junta" to help him govern the Church bypassing the corrupt Curia. Maradiaga appears thoroughly corrupt with fifty seminarians recently publishing a letter decrying the homosexual network that really runs his diocese and seminary. Honduras has had murder rates from 88/100,000  to 44/100,000 in the last five years.   In 2015, the US national murder rate is 6/100,000 with Chicago the 15th most deadly city at 15/100,000 and St Louis the most dangerous at 60/100,000. Cultures that cannot provide masculine authority and order will be wracked by violent young males. When the religious authorities go gay, the street boys go rogue. Latin American countries and America's great urban centers are both suffering from this pathology in Christianity's failure to socialize protective and productive males.  This is especially true for the Catholic Church whose brotherhood of fathers has become something else.

KIPLINGS - EAST AND WESTThe brotherhood of the male warrior honor code is not racism.

SAUDI PERSECUTION OF SHIA CONTINUESThis is a much more important sign of cultural oppression than all male driving laws. It should also remind us of when the opposition in Iraq became an anti-Shiite campaign and the birth of ISIS. The Shiite militias who fought back were allied with Iran but they have become more nationalist with the expulsion of ISIS.

THE CHINESE CENTURY: well under way.

POPULISM IN CANADAPopulism on the Rise?

EAST ASIA ISLAMSouthern Phillipines and IslamPakistan, Asia Bibi, and Blasphemy Laws - A Supreme Court Ruling for Freedom.

BOLTON IN LATIN AMERICATroika of Tyranny - Bolton approach to Latin America - Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua are the bad guys.  Not exactly the nationalist approach that is really needed.

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