Saturday, December 7, 2019

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7

by A. Joseph Lynch


Each 9/11 anniversary, the late Dr. Pence reminds us to remember, reconsider, redirect. We must remember 9/11, reconsider our alliances, and redirect our strength to fight our true enemy. The terrorism that claimed British lives on London Bridge and American lives in Pensacola, came at the hands of Wahhabi - not merely Islamic - extremists. In the case of Pensacola, the killer - like the majority of 9/11 terrorists - came from Saudi Arabia and was a student pilot.

Saudi officials have condemned the attack, but when will we learn? It is now reported that Trump may send an additional 7,000 troops to the Middle East to counter Iran. Is this America First? Is this an end to needless foreign wars? And most importantly, is Iran really our enemy? While Saudis kill Americans, Iran announced this morning it is releasing an American student suspected of espionage.

In the wake of the recent killings, let us remember, reconsider, and redirect with Dr. Pence:
We now hear officials and some newsmen say that 9/11 was caused by "radical Islamic terrorism." That... is not enough. That brand of radical Islam which attacked us had a launching pad in Afghanistan but they had a home base as well. The Islamic radical movement which struck us comes from a particular school of Islamic law. They have a territorial address. But after seven years under President Bush, eight years under President Obama, and three years under President Trump, we have not given them a proper call back yet. Let us remember, let us reconsider, let us redirect.


NATIVITY SCENES PLEASE: Pope Francis has asked for Nativity scenes to be on display in town squares and in schools. We need to be reminded that Christ is the reason for the season. It revolves around Him, not consumerism.

SHEEN BEATIFICATION ON HOLD: Total nonsense from US bishops with a grudge against one of the finest men our nation has produced. More solid reporting from Church Militant.

BUFFALO BISHOP OUT: Bishop Malone of Buffalo has finally resigned. We covered Malone in July after it was reported that he "attempted to place a predator gay priest in a parish with a grade school, recently said that gay priests are here to stay, falsely asserting that gay men in seminary have only to be chaste for three years before ordination." There's much more that could be said about Malone, including another predator homosexual priest and a potential cover up of a dead Buffalo priest who might have been murdered.

DULUTH BISHOP DEAD: Bishop Sirba, who had some involvement in the Wehmeyer sex abuse cover up, is dead.


PEARL HARBOR AT 78: Today is the 78th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. A short AoA reflection.

POVERTY INTERNMENT CAMPS: California is on fire, rocking from earthquakes, and flesh eating bacteria is killing California drug addicts. With the extremely wealthy living next door to the poor, California is becoming a dystopian nightmare. Now California is considering the forcible internment of the state's homeless.

REPORTER FIRED: As President Trump surprised the troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving, a Newsweek reporter issued a story and tweet that the president was spending his Thanksgiving by "Tweeting, Golfing, and More." The fake news led to the reporter's rightful firing.

FAILED HARRIS CAMPAIGN: The Kamala Harris campaign is over. Her descent began with the Tulsi Gabbard take town we covered in an August Weekly Brief, and sputtered out after a damning letter from a former campaign aid accused her of poorly treating staffers. With Harris out and Booker narrowly holding on, Democrat presidential contenders are looking older, whiter, and wealthier every day - a problem Michael Bloomberg can't fix. More from Pat Buchanan.


CONSERVATIVES WIN IN URUGUAY: Check Turley video for more and with a list of other Latin American nations to swing right.

EPSTEIN AND ISRAEL: Was Epstein an Israeli spy?

LEGITIMATE WORRY: Gorbachev sees the danger in eastern Europe and warns against rising hostilities.


LONDON BRIDGE TERROR: Usman Khan, a Wahhabi extremist of Pakistani birth, was killed in a brutal knife attack on London Bridge. Overlooked in the reporting is the fact that a group of heroic men brought Khan's knifing to an end. These men - including a reformed prisoner involved in a previous killing - didn't let Khan's knife or bomb vest, which turned out to be fake, stop them.

THROWING PUNCHES: A new twist was revealed in a recent story about a group of boys attacking two lesbians in an "homophobic" attack: it turns out that one of the lesbians threw the first punch.

MANAGER FIRED: Both the barista and manager of an Oklahoma Starbucks have been fired after the barista labeled drinks for police officers on Thanksgiving as PIGS. This was absolutely the right move as the buck must stop with the manager - but now it's being revealed the manager is transgendered. He says he feels like a martyr and is considering a lawsuit. It remains to be seen how Starbucks will handle the new situation.

IT'S ABOUT MEN, NOT ENVIRONMENT: Radical Left-wing environmentalist, the newly popular Great Thunberg, now admits her efforts are not to fight climate change but to fight "patriarchal systems of oppression."

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