Saturday, February 27, 2021

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27

by A. Joseph Lynch


SARAH'S RETIREMENT: Last week we looked a list of Vatican curial officials who have reached retirement age. One of them was Cardinal Sarah, prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship. Sarah, who was appointed by Pope Francis, turned in his letter of resignation upon reaching the age of 75 last summer and Pope Francis has accepted. It remains to be seen who will succeed Sarah, but we hope it will not be the liberal Archbishop Roche.

THE LIMITS OF SCOTT HAHN: Check out the new video from Religion, Sex, and Politics regarding an interview with Scott Hahn on his new book about politics. Clearly while Dr. Hahn sees the family as the model for civic life, this video argues for an anthropology of accord.

HOUSE OF ONE: Berlin is set to begin construction on a multimillion dollar worship building designed to allow Christians, Jews, and Muslims to hold their own worship while also having a dedicated space for inter-religious dialogue. While worshipping separately, the idea of Christians, Jews, and Muslims seeing each other engage religion and allowing them a space for face-to-face discourse is a good thing indeed.


INTEL ON CROWN PRINCE: This week a US intelligence report concerning the murder of Jamal Khashoggi was declassified and implicated the Saudi crown prince, who owned the planes the killers used to locate Khashoggi, in the murder. Yet despite the revelation, Biden plans no sanctions on the murderous crown prince or on Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are responsible for more terror than any other Mideast state. It's time they be held accountable.

: The fate of Syria may be determined by the construction of two conflicting pipelines (see map above) that must pass through the nation in order to reach Europe. The US-backed Qatar-Turkey pipeline and the Russia-backed Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline places the war-ravaged nation of Syria in the middle of yet another geopolitical conflict. If Assad refuses to allow the Qatar pipeline through it's country, what steps might the US take to ensure its completion? Is anyone surprised Biden bombed Shiites in Syria this week? 

NATIONS VS. BIG TECH: The nations of India and Australia are moving against the monopoly of Big Tech and we expect more to follow. Analysis from Steve Turley.


MADE IN A LAB? A new study released from the University of Hamburg argues that the coronavirus originated not from a Wuhan wet market bur rather from a Wuhan lab. Read more here.

KROGER AND WAGES: The grocery store chain Kroger has now temporarily closed four stores on the west coast, two in California and now two in Seattle. The problem? Political demands to give hazard pay during the pandemic. While many stores can't afford to close, corporations like Kroger can easily shutter a few doors to avoid paying their employees. What looked good on paper only ends up being another Democrat tax on small and local businesses. 

BE LESS WHITE: Coca-Cola is in hot water after hosting diversity trainings that asked employees to "be less white." Let us be clear: the "anti-racism" that is festering in our institutions is itself racist. It promotes attacking certain races in order to prop up others. The fact is that the statement "be less [race x]" will always be racist, regardless what race is inserted as "race x". Check out comedian Ryan Long's take on the racism of anti-racism in this tongue-in-cheek video

ANTI-RACISM IN SF: After an Asian man was brutally killed in San Francisco, so called "anti-racists" held a rally do denounce white nationalism. The suspect arrested for the murder, Antoine Watson, is black

"EQUALITY" ACT PASSES HOUSE: The so-called "Equality" Act - which seeks to impose the Sexual Left on all institutions, even religious - has passed the House. The National Review has written a scathing take on the legislation. 

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