Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The four forces of nature

Pence writes --

"There are four fundamental forces in nature:

The strong nuclear --- an attractive force that acts only at very very short distances -- holds together neutrons and protons in the nucleus of atoms.

The electromagnetic force -- the attractive force and repulsive force between unlike charges and like charges. It keeps electrons in discreet energy shells around the positively charged protons of an atom.

Gravity -- an attractive force acting at small and great distances keeps planets orbiting the Sun and drew together Hydrogen and Helium atoms into the stars that populate the universe.

Weak nuclear force -- a force that governs radioactive decay. 

The physicists say all these forces were united in a single force and then broke open at the appearance of energy and matter.  These four forces can explain almost all chemical and physical processes but not the big bang itself and the force needed for the continual expansion of most matter in the universe today. 

Neither do these forces account for the movement toward interiority, agency, and hierarchy we see in life.

I call God the 'Fifth Force.' God explains the fundamental fact of the expanding universe and the obvious countervailing tendency toward life and ultimate cephalization and communal formation of humans.
Men need and seek causes. The 'fundamental' forces give us causes for all the details except the most important. How come all matter is going boom-boom out into the cold lonely outer-space: and what is drawing back some of matter into the interiority of life and human consciousness?"

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