Saturday, February 16, 2019

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: Saturday Feb 16

 by A. Joseph Lynch and Dr. David Pence

Pope Francis and President Trump: Great Triumphs but Daggers at their Throats 
Pope Francis and President Trump are establishing a framework for brotherhood and agreement among the religions and nations of our planet earth. They are both sons of Christianity-- a religious movement to draw men and nations into brotherhood under the Father through his Son Jesus Christ. The Pope holds the Petrine office of an Apostolic Catholic Church which for 2000 years has given a living sacramental institutional form to brotherhood in the episcopacy and priesthood. The President is the the commander of chief of the most deadly force ever assembled in Christendom. His nation is a territorial covenant of God believing, scripture reading, hard working, gun toting men who were forged together as Americans on a new continent. America is a nation conceived and born within the Protestant Reformation. That 500 year project is an ongoing effort of Christian men to devise an ecclesial and civic polity that  gives glory to God and liberty to men.
Pope Francis has put forth a peace plan with Islam built on the recognition of God and the fraternity of all men, nations and religions. The freedom for men to worship that one God is one important note in the musical score; but individual liberty is not the first principle in their theological formulation.  Pope Francis has been the clearest papal expression of the Missionary Spirit of Vatican Two. He has elicited the synodal spirit and practice among bishops who must carry the gospel to the nations at  Christendom's periphery. He has opened a path to China and said an open door Mass in the UAE. But a knife is at his throat. The infiltration of the Catholic priesthood by sodomites in practice and psychology has broken their capacity for the wide trust fraternity needed to build a civilization of love.  They have desacralized the Eucharistic Liturgy. Their widespread abominations have compromised the most fundamental diplomacy of the Catholic pontiff and his priests -to be the Eucharistic bridge which binds Heaven and Earth. The Sacred Mass of the Son offering himself to the Father (the Catholic axis mundi) is defiled by the sodomite priest pretender who has desecrated the father-son-brotherhood relation. The Apostles and Bishops are the living foundation stones of the interpersonal communion of the Church. Getting their brotherly love rightly ordered is no small element of Catholic life. The Pope  must face this internal crisis by a purification of the priesthood expelling by the act any cleric who has committed any act of sodomy since his ordination. Brotherhood cannot live side by side with incest. The sacred cult cannot be kept ritually holy amidst this bodily pollution of the men who are meant to be a sign of the love of the Father for the Son. These men are not Peter who sinned, confessed and came back. Their sins can be forgiven--but their defilement of the sacred must be punished by separating them from the sacral office.
{Back to America} President Trump has put forth a bold renewal of international relations based on respect for the nations. From Asia to Europe to South America, the old paradigm of capitalism vs socialism is being bypassed. Religion and nations are the binding forces of social organization. Free markets are tools to employ to create wealth. This new paradigm is emerging. The experts are the last to know.  The return to biblical nationalism is utterly American. It is so simple, but it took  a self confident genius to see it--a man raised in a church headed by Norman Vincent Peale and  a home led by a loving father and mother. The first baby boomer president without serious daddy issues is acting like a patriarch and lots of people hate him just for that. Donald Trump is the Muhammed Ali of American politics.
President Trump has been stopped from reformulating the agreements of nations in the post cold war world. He was opposed by the British foreign policy establishment and betrayed by the treachery of his own security agencies.   Foreign English speaking allies and our own deep state MUCH MORE THAN THE HAPLESS HILLARY CLINTON  have stopped our country under an elected President from forming a  new alliance with Christian Russia. Meanwhile, President Trump has been tragically misled by our Israeli ally and our Saudi Arabian enemy to scapegoat the Shiite nation of Iran. As nationalists, Americans want strong nation states to keep peace within their territorial boundaries. As a hated outsider, Israel wants to be surrounded by weak, warring and failed states so her neighbors cannot unite to exterminate her. She is our ally but her foreign policy is diametrically opposed to ours. Like Eisenhower before him, President  Trump must chasten our ally to safeguard her. It is hard for him to imagine such a thing when he is surrounded in his own government by so many working to undermine his policies. Netanyahu is one of the few men in public life that Trump feels he can really trust. We want a strong Iraq, a strong Syria, a strong Turkey and a strong Iran to control the jihadists in their respective territories.  When President Trump gets more real allies in his government, he will be able to better tell his Israeli allies where their interests and ours are not identical. The problem for Israel is not coming to grips with the mythical state of Palestine but finally making peace with the very real nation of Iran.
 The Shiite nation of Iran like the Turkish Sunni nation of Turkey are great bulwarks against the anti nation ideology of salafist jihadists who war against states in southern Russia, in western China, in the southern Philippines, in northern Nigeria and on the shores of Somalia. The 911 attack on New York, the beheadings of Coptic Christians on the shore of the Mediterranean, and  the dismembering of the Washington Post's Jamal Khashoggi were all plots hatched in the cauldrons of the "queen bee Wahhabi clerics of Saudi Arabia. " 1.6 billion Muslims are not the enemy--a million Saudi Wahhabists are. Strong intact nation-states in the Mideast are the best defense against the caliphate-ummah strategy of the Wahhabis. Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria and yes, Israel are the national alternatives to the bloody "get rid of borders" program of ISIS and all other manifestations of the jihad-salafists .
A group of mature Democratic and Republican Senators are needed to make alliances with President Trump to stop the adolescent anti father hatred directed against our president. At the same time American statesmen must reverse Trump's pathological hatred against Iran and his misunderstanding of the greatest national achievement of the Obama presidency. President Obama stood against "the blob" -- the misguided foreign policy establishment-- that Trump has also resisted.  President Obama stood against the Saudis and the Israeli Prime Minister who was disgracefully given the legislative chambers of our government to undermine a sitting President.
 Without Nixon going to China, President Reagan never could have ended the Cold War with Gorbachev. Without Obama leading the way in talking with Iran, President Trump would never be able to turn and see the Saudis for who they are and what they have done. Trump has not benefited from his predecessor's bold move because like the media that hates him, the President is blinded by his animus toward his countryman, Barack Obama.
{Back to the Catholic Church}, A group of  bishops or a singular truth teller must help deepen and extend the synodal public fraternity initiatives of Pope Francis while correcting his mistaken notion that homosexuality in an all male priesthood is simply a "sin below the belt" or a violation of the sixth commandment. The sweeping Francis initiative for synodal governance with a reunified Eastern and Latin Church  and respectful fraternal engagement with the Confucian and Islamic civilizations, where so much of God's humanity live, depends on the Catholic Church maintaining the authority of a priestly consecrated masculine fraternity. The homosexual degradation of so many of our priests constitute profound sins against fatherhood, filiation and fraternity. These are not "below the belt"  errors of the pelvis but a twisting of the masculine ecclesial soul. That masculine corporate soul is needed to be a healthy and muscular template for the nations. May free men love our Holy Father in the Church and our civic father in the nation. May we love them well enough to support their initiatives while correcting their gravest errors. We must spare our fathers the daggers at their throats. 


CARDINAL SPELLMANA lynchpin in the homosexual priest network in America that gave us the sex abuse scandal.




% Forest by State

THE CAPTIVE NATIONS OF EASTERN EUROPE SHOW THE PATH TO FREEDOM: While Macron of France holds meetings to extend gay rights, Orban's Hungary looks at serious family subsidies for mothers at home.

THE MOST DANGEROUS DEMOCRAT IS AN ACTUAL BLACK MANWhy Corey Booker is the strongest candidate by far for the Democrats.


Chinese living in extreme poverty. 1990: 755.8 million 2015: 10 million (World Bank)

Indonesians living in extreme poverty. 1998: 137 million 2017: 15 million (World Bank)

Pakistanis living in extreme poverty. 1990: 63.4 million 2015: 7.7 million (World Bank)
DISCREDITING QATAR - A UK STRATEGIST SHOWSThe dirty world of espionage, fake news, and false flags. The Saudis and now Israelis want the US to join in an anti-Qatar movement. Qatar is a much more reasonable Sunni ally in the Gulf than Saudi Arabia and they are not trying to overthrow every Shiite body politic that emerges in the region.

CHINA IS A GREAT CIVILIZATION. YES IT WILL BE A MIGHTY PLAYER IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSThat does not make them our sworn enemy worthy of a new Cold War.

MATTEO SALVINIof Italy. A potential leader of the nation.

SEE IRAN AS A NATIONThey revolted against a soulless western technocracy - so should we.

NIGERIA: Profile of election and country. No depth but a good description of Africa's biggest country at the Muslim-Christian faultline.

AS ISIS LOSES A TERRITORIAL BASESalafist-jihadism is alive and well. A good critique of an "overly kinetic" approach to killing groups of terrorists without taking on their main ideological thrust.  That ideology is a desire to change the nature of Sunni governance from bordered states to a single caliphate representing the worldwide muslim community-the ummah.
There is no  discussion in this monograph that the US present policy of singling out Shiite nation-states or Shiite fighting groups deprives us of our most natural allies. There is no word that the clerical epicenter of Salafist-jihadism is the US principal "ally" -Saudi Arabia. The writer is from the AEI and it is possible that such bold counterarguments to the Israeli-Saudi-US axis would be a death blow to her being published. There is an interesting section on not labeling the Muslim Brotherhood as an irredeemable Salafist-jihadist group. That will anger some people in a think tank that has never drawn lines clearly in this religious battle. This article is a major step in the right direction. As the great Singaporean Prime Minister  Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015) said in his 2003 interview with Fareed Zakaria, "In killing terroists, you only kill the worker bees. The queen bees are the preachers who preach a deviant form of Islam in the schools and Islamic centers, who twist and capture the m ind of the young."  He knew very well that the center of the deviant preachers is Saudi Arabia. 

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IS FREEDOM FROM A BLOODBATH IN SOME COUNTRIES: A Report from the CHURCH IN NEED on religious freedom around the world. Article.
 Report released every two years.

The two greatest reformers of the 20th century in Russia were the writer and the man he writes aboutAOA on Krushchev speech and true believer Mao's disdain for the Russian peasant leader.


ABORTION AND BLACK PEOPLEThe shocking numbers. In New York City more black babies are aborted than live births. In the US for every 100 pregnancies by black women, 47 end in abortion; for white women it is 16 of 100.

LORD MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF THY WRATH: Paternal, civic, and ecclesial offices often require punishment to the wrongdoer in the name of justice

ON DARWINThis article asks why Darwin spawned so much racism.The author is not honest enough to answer the question but he does introduce James Watson, another proponent of  biological materialism who flirted with racism. The author is curious enough to ask the right question and resourceful enough to introduce a lot of key players. Worth the time to explore the confusion that culminated with atheist Western Science giving us the major bloodletting ideologies of our age--  Marxism and the Nazis.

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A WOMANReflections on the ladies in white suit.

ATTENTION STRUCTURES - CENTRIPETAL ATTENTION STRUCTURES IN PRIMATES FOCUS ON DOMINANT MALE. ACENTRIC ATTENTION STRUCTURES FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: The anti-father hyper focus by liberals on President Trump and by Catholic conservatives on Pope Francis deprives both groups of looking outward and thinking about their group in terms of the rest of the world. Centripetal attention structures are usually good for group cohesion because they allow a common authority to define group action. Centripetal attention without filial piety is a recipe for disaster. The leader has to have an acentric focus leading his group within the larger environment. The amazing Pope Francis went to periphery and said a large open stadium Mass in the UAE. The amazing President Trump has gone abroad  to talk with North Korean and Chinese leaders face to face while trying to get the same opportunity for a true breakthrough with Russia's Putin. 

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