Saturday, January 11, 2020

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JANUARY 11

by A. Joseph Lynch


SPAIN'S MARRIAGE PREP: Noting that it takes a man seven years in seminary to become a priest, Spain's sky-high divorce rate has led the nation's bishop to create a multi-year marriage preparation process.

MCCARRICK MISSING: He's not in Kansas anymore, Toto. More from Church Militant.

NO CRIMINAL SECRETS: Buffulo's interim bishop has said that "criminality is not entitled to secrecy." While certainly true, we must hold the ordained to higher standards than criminality. There are certain acts - some that are not illegal - that "divorces [the priest] from the fraternal communion of priests."


TRUMP'S NEW ALLY: Trump is coming to the defense of Jeff Van Drew, the New Jersey Democrat who switched parties after the impeachment farce in the House. Trump, who values loyalty, will campaign for Van Drew in New Jersey this month. This act proves Trump's own loyalty and should be seen as an olive branch to other moderate Democrats.

CENTER-RIGHT AMERICA: A report last February from Gallup revealed conservatives greatly outnumbered liberals in 19 states. Gallup's new data regarding 2019 shows the US has remained a center-right nation.

GOOD ECONOMIC NEWS: You know the economy is running like gangbusters when Taco Bell plans to start giving six-figure salaries to store managers and 24 hours of paid sick leave to all its store employees. With historically low unemployment, companies like Taco Bell must give better benefits in order to keep employees.

IRAQ - TIME TO LEAVE: From Pat Buchanan.


COVINGTON SETTLED: CNN has settled with Covington Catholic student, Nick Sandmann. FoxNEWS calls it a win for the little guy, but what impact will a sealed settlement have on the Fake News industry?

REGRET AT CHICK-FIL-A: Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, must have thought Left-wing attacks on his company would end after he turned his company's back on charitable giving to Christian organizations. It didn't. Leftists will continue fighting the company until they embrace the radical Left - such as giving to radical organizations. Cathy now regrets his decision.

HOLLYWOOD SLAMMED: Comedian Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globe awards this week. In his opening monologue he had the following to say about Hollywood and politics: "...if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg." He might have added that it is precisely these partisan speeches that has tanked award show viewership...

SMOLLETT UPDATE: Kim Foxx, the Cook County state's attorney who attempted to let Jussie Smollett off the hook, is now using tax payer dollars to lawyer up. Smollett was accused of faking an racist assault by Trump supporters. We now learn that a judge has ordered Google to turn over Smollett's email records and data to a special prosecutor. Is justice finally at hand?

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