Saturday, July 18, 2020

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JULY 18

by A. Joseph Lynch


WHAT IS GOD'S GRAND STRATEGY? What is God's plan for His creation and what role do you and the Church play in it? Watch this video from Religion, Sex, and Politics to find out.

HOWARD'S HATE: Former DNC head and presidential contender, Howard Dean, has declared that "Christians don't have much of a reputation for anything but hate these days..." These remarks follow those of Black Lives Matter leader, Shaun King, who called for the destruction of statues of Jesus and Mary. Here are just a few examples of what has happened since: a driver smashed his car and lit fire to a Catholic church during Mass, a statue of Mary was lit on fire, and a statue of Jesus was beheaded. There is plenty of hate, but it's not from Christians.

BISHOPS CASHING IN: Catholic Bishops in the United States all too happily cashed in on an estimated $1.5-$3.5 billion dollars from the Payment Protection Program meant to help small businesses pay employees during the coronavirus outbreak. It is being reported by the Associated Press that Cardinal Dolan helped New York take in an astounding $30 million dollars. More from Church Militant

CAN BLM BE CATHOLIC? Church Militant offers a Black Lives Matter special report that explains BLM, its history, and the extreme positions it holds.

FLIGHT PLAN CHANGED: A flight to Alaska was forced to land in Seattle after a man threatened to kill everyone on the plane unless they "accept Jesus," not into their hearts but "was a black man." Seattle, being completely out of control, planed to investigate the man as committing harassment rather than making terrorist threats.


POLITICS IS NOT A DIRTY WORD: For too long we've allowed "politics" to be blamed for the hyper partisanship consuming our nation. Watch this video from Religion, Sex, and Politics for a a short history and rousing defense of politics.

TRUMP AT MT. RUSHMORE: President Donald Trump gave one of his greatest speeches in front of Mt. Rushmore over Independence Day weekend. Read the speech. Ahead of the speech Democrats tweeted - then deleted - a post linking Mt. Rushmore to racism. Can the hopelessly out of touch Democrats really reclaim the White House and the Senate in November?

JUSTIN AMASH OUT: Fierce "Never Trumper" and co-founder of the Freedom Caucus, Justin Amash, plans to leave Congress. Amash was the first Republican to call for the president's impeachment and he voted to impeach the president when the articles came up for vote in the House. Last July we applauded Amash for leaving the Republican Party and with Amash stepping down, the House continues clearing out its "Never Trumpers" so that real work can be done if the GOP proves victorious in the fall.

NEW RUSSIA HOAX: Democrats have lobbed a new Russia hoax at the president. Reports are out that Russia paid the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan. Although much was made of this in the media and in the halls of Congress, General McKenzie, commander of CENTCOM (which oversees US operations in the Middle East - including Afghanistan) found the claim altogether dubious. Lean more about CENTCOM and America's other combatant commands.

CANCELLING DEMOCRATS: If Princeton had to remove Woodrow Wilson's name from its renowned School of Public and International Affairs, should the party of slavery and Jim Crow - the Democrats - have to change their name, too? Two professors from Princeton think so.

A TALE OF TWO GUN OWNERS: The CHAZ (or CHOP) met its end not after street violence by self-appointed warlord militias but only after CHAZ protesters marched outside the home of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. CHAZ learned the hard way that our female leaders will sit by as you kill citizens of every skin color but will absolutely destroy you if you appear to threaten their families. In LA, a the first black district attorney, Jackie Lacey, is slamming Black Lives Matter for coming to her home, too. While her husband faces no charges for pointing a gun at them, a married couple standing on their property in St. Louis faces assault charges and have had their weapons removed by the police. Our Democrat ruined (not run) cities are falling deeper into chaos.

FAREWELL OKLAHOMA: The Supreme Court has effectively ceded half of Oklahoma to the Native Americans. Will more lands be lost? Will America be unified by Trump and nationalism or be Balkanized by Black Lives Matter and the Supreme Court?

ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH: This was never just about Confederate monuments. Leftist vandals have now cut down the 9/11 memorial flagpole in New York, destroyed a statue to Union soldiers in Saratoga, and toppled a statue to Frederick Douglass. Yet the only ones being arrested are a California couple for painting over an illicit Black Lives Matter sign in the street. They're getting charged with a hate crime.

TUCKER FOR PRESIDENT: Could Tucker Carlson run for president in 2024? We'd love to see him go for it.


RUSSIAN AMENDMENTS: The Russian people have wisely voted to allow President Putin to remain in power until 2036. They also passed a constitutional amendment to ban homosexual marriage. Combine this with the newly dedicated cathedral to Russia's armed forces and we see that Russia is becoming a new light to the nations.

DUDA RE-ELECTED: Religious nationalist, Andrzej Duda, was re-elected in Poland after the nation's Leftists joined forces to oppose him. This marks Poland's continued movement towards its national and religious identity. Poland, however, must see Russia to the east as a fellow Christian and Slavic brother, not the enemy. We pray Poland is able to see its true threat lies to among the globalists to the west, not the fellow Christian nationalists to the east.

HAGIA SOPHIA A MOSQUE: Christians are not the only religious nationalists in the world. Turkey, increasingly turning its back on secular Leftist Europe, is reorienting itself to the Mideast and its Islamic heritage. We see an Islamic Turkey as a win over a secular Turkey. As part of this re-Islamization of Turkey, however, the great Christian cathedral church of the Hagia Sophia is being turned into a mosque. While this is at first quite disconcerting, the church-turned-museum will now be used to worship God once more. It may not be the Christian sacrifice of the Mass, but is its restoration for worship is, like the re-Islamicization of Turkey, a step in the right direction. We pray Masses will one day be celebrated in the Hagia Sophia, but the worship of God is better than no worship at all. It seems Christian Russia might agree.

BLM ETHNO-NATIONALIST PARTY: Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, says blacks laugh at white people destroying statues. He believes Black Lives Matter should form its own political party. Although such a move would destroy the Democrats, his view represents the ethno-nationalism that is BLM. The movement seeks its own ethnic autonomy, not integration into the US nation or a place in the Democrat Party. Democrat globalists, seeking power alone, hope to kowtow to BLM in hopes of riding it to power in November. That's why the NFL is going to sing the "black national anthem" at its week one games. In their quest for power, the Democrats may destroy themselves at best or Balkanize the nation at worst.


SEXUAL REVOLUTION CONSEQUENCES: What were the REAL consequences of the sexual revolution? Watch the Religion, Sex, and Politics video to find out.

BLACK MAN CHARGED: A group of white BLM rioters were shocked when two of their members were struck by a car after its group, donning black clothes, formed a human chain to block a freeway in the middle of the night. What's worse - the black man who inadvertently hit them is being charged.

BUBBA WALLACE HOAX: Nascar's black race car driver, Bubba Wallace, claimed he found a noose in his Nascar garage. The FBI quickly discovered the "noose" was just the pull down cord for the garage door. Every garage door in the facility had one. We suspect that Bubba had to know what the "noose" really was - but he used his claims to effectively accuse Nascar and race car fans of racism, called for the banning of the Confederate flag in Nascar, and forced the organization and its drivers to publicly support him and his causes at a mourning session during which Bubba shed crocodile tears on the hood of the car. It should come as no surprise when he was booed at a recent race and cheered when he wrecked his car.

WHAT'S IN A NAME? The Washington Redskins have caved to political correctness and plan to change their name. But nothing will ever be enough. The Left is now hammering the franchise with multiple accusations of sexual harassment while more teams are being pressured to change their names too. Has anyone ever thought to ask a Native American how he feels when a team named after his people wins a super bowl? As an Irishmen, I'm quite proud when the politically incorrect "fighting Irish" wins the national championship. And what do team names have to do with George Floyd anyway?

"LADY A" SUES "LADY A": Political correctness is driving the country music group Lady Antebellum wants to change its name to "Lady A" - but the name is already taken by a black musician. The band is now suing her for the name. Is this white privilege?

SEGREGATION'S RETURN: Democrats - the party of segregation - has renewed segregation once more. In Seattle, all white city employees were required to attend a segregated training seminar on "undoing whiteness" which told white employees to give up "guaranteed physical safety," and "the certainty of your job." A recent survey of 173 colleges revealed that 46% offered segregated orientation programs and 72% hold segregated graduation ceremonies. As Jonathan Haidt has argued, what happens in our colleges will happen in later society.

NYPD CHIEF ATTACKED: NYPD officers - including the police chief - got their heads bashed in this week by rioters. The assailant has been released without bail. New York's political leadership and legal system are broken.

WHERE'S VOLTAIRE NOW? Liberals have long quoted Voltaire's "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." As what was once free speech is now being declared hate speech, where are all those liberals now? Some have signed a letter calling for an end to cancel culture. Others in the media like Bari Weiss (NY Times) and Andrew Sullivan (NY Magazine) have resigned. The nation is running scared in the face of cancel culture. The fate of the nation may rest in November's election.

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