Saturday, January 16, 2021

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JANUARY 16

by A. Joseph Lynch


Since the events of January 6, liberal politicians and their allies in the media, social media, and virtually every institution across the nation launched a soft-coup on what remained of President Trump's presidency. The sitting US President has now been banned or restricted on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Grindr, Snapchat, Instagram, Shopify, Reddit, Startplay, V Live, Tik Tok, and Pintrest. (Gab, a Twitter-esque social media platform founded by a devout Christian, managed to save and repost Trump's Twitter feed before it was deleted.)

And if this could happen to President Trump, what could befall his supporters? Almost anything. The Lincoln Project, together with Forbes, is putting together a blacklist of Trump officials and staff with hopes of making sure no one associated with the president gains future employment. Tens of thousands of Trump supporters have also been banned from social media. Facebook has deleted the Walk Away group - a movement seeking to bring Democrats into the Republican party. The self-proclaimed "milk toast fence sitting" left-leaning moderate, Tim Pool, has now been demonetized on Facebook. Cumulus Radio, which hosts some of the biggest conservative names in the radio world, has threatened to cut ties with any commentator who questions the election.

And it's not just conservative individuals or groups under assault. The social media platform Parler, which has been billed as the conservative alternative to Twitter, was nuked from orbit as it was banned from the app stores on Apple and Google while Amazon banned it from Amazon's servers - thus ending the platform altogether. The far left and the establishment wings of both parties has allied itself with big business and big tech to stifle free speech and eradicate the nation of its nationalist patriots while organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have seen little backlash after using social media to organize riots, looting, and violence.

If all this wasn't enough, the re-appointed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, shoved an impeachment vote through the House without any any formal investigation or committee hearings ahead of the vote. The president, who called for a peaceful protest on January 6, was accused of incitement by the Democrats (along with ten Republicans - including Never Trumper Liz Cheney - who apparently don't mind ending their own careers) and impeached a second time. The Babylon Bee humorously hit the impeachment farce on the nose with this headline: "'Let's all remain peaceful,' says Trump in clear incitement to violence."

The US Senate is out of session until January 19, meaning no trial could take place until one hour after inauguration on the 20th. And since private citizens can't be impeached, the rushed impeachment was a joke from beginning to end. Why do it? Some suspect the move was made to further incite conservatives across the nation in hopes some violence would ensue during the inauguration. Any violence would thus be used to enforce harsher persecution of conservatives. In any case, President Trump has become the first president to be impeached twice... but he's also the first president to be impeached when publicly accessible exculpatory evidence vindicates his innocence.

As the president nears the end of his first term, we hope his movement and supporters can hunker down during the storm to come. As election lawyer Robert Barnes has pointed out, it might be better for the president to spend the next four years rebuilding his movement, creating a platform of his own, coordinating primaries on his Republican opponents, and preparing for 2024. Even after everything that's happened, polls reveal that 91% of his supporters would vote for him again. The Republican Party is still Trump's party. As the Left launches its purge, we await a Trump-led purge of political backstabbers in the Republican Party. The next two to four years will be interesting indeed.


FRANCIS' BIG MISTAKE: Pope Francis new motu proprio, Spiritus Domini, is changing Canon 230 to allow women to become lectors and acolytes. While every pope makes some mistakes, this mistake is Francis' biggest - and its garnered little to no attention from media (liberal or conservative). This article tackles the changes through a Q&A format. The big question not asked is: How many lectors are acolytes are used at the average Mass? Answer: NONE. Lectors and acolytes are instituted through an ordination-looking ritual with the bishop. Since women were never allowed to become instituted lectors and acolytes, no bishop has instituted any laymen to the ministry. Now that bishops are no longer allowed to keep women out, expect liberal bishops to institute both genders while conservative bishops either follow suit or continue refusing both genders into these ministries. There is much more to say about this topic. Expect a video from Religion, Sex, & Politics in the weeks ahead.

CARDINAL PAROLIN'S PERIL: Cardinal Pietro Parolin is now neck deep in the British property scandal plaguing the Vatican. A Parolin-scribed letter has emerged looking for loans to purchase the London luxury real estate property. More from CNA News.

STEALING CHRISTMAS: Did Christians steal December 25 from the pagans or did the pagans try to steal December 25 from the Christians? Find out in the recent video from Religion, Sex, & Politics.

NO CONFESSIONAL SEAL? A group of North Dakota state legislators (mostly Republican) seek to legally eliminate the seal of Confession when it comes to priestly sex abuse. Though well intentioned, it flies in the face of religious liberty. Would that our priests and bishops had been more honest and trustworthy in the past (and in too many cases, the present).

TRUMP'S EMMAUS MOMENT: A religious reflection on the current political turmoil along with a call to have hope and take action.


LINCOLN PROJECT PERV: It comes as no surprise that John Weaver, former aide to John McCain and co-founder of the Trump hating Lincoln Project, is accused of grooming young men and using homosexual sex in a quid pro quo for employment opportunities. Weaver has admitted to some accusations and we expect more to come in the weeks ahead. 

REICHSTAG FIRE DECREE: The media and the Democrats continue to call the storming of the Capitol last week an insurrection, using it as a means of claiming the President incited violence and to persecute conservatives. The fact that those who entered the Capitol carried no weapons, had no plan, and took silly photos of themselves inside makes such leftist claims rather dubious. Yet recalling that the Nazis used the Reichstag fire to push the fascist Reichstag Fire Decree (which was used to imprison critics of the Nazis) we should be very wary of the new domestic terror bill now being pushed by the Democrats to target conservatives. Of course, there is nothing in the law to target Antifa, BLM, or other leftist groups that have burned cities and terrorized citizens since May.

LEFTIST TERRORISM (1983-2020): As the Left uses the events of January 6 to persecute conservatives, little attention is being given to an actual terror attack on the US Capitol in November 1983. According to Smithsonian Magazine, Susan Rosenberg and Linda Sue Evans led the M19CO  terror organization to bomb the US Capitol, "an FBI office, the Israel Aircraft Industries building, and the South African consulate in New York, D.C.’s Fort McNair and Navy Yard (which they hit twice.)" M19CO stood for May 19th Communist Organization, with May 19 as a reference to the birthdays of Ho Chi Min and Malcom X. According to Wikipedia, the terror organization "was a combination of the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground" that "also included members of the Black Panthers and the Republic of New Africa (RNA)." Caught and convicted, Evans' and Rosenberg's sentences were commuted by Bill Clinton (with help from Jerry Nadler) on his last day in office. Rosenberg went on to become the vice chair for Thousand Currents - which provides fundraising for Black Lives Matter. Of course BLM and Antifa, championed by the Left, followed in Rosenburg's footsteps to loot and raze businesses and buildings across America. A glance back at history should not surprise us that the atheist-communist, black ethno-nationalist/supremacist spirit of M19CO is alive and well in organizations like BLM.

ROBERT BARNES ON VIVA FREI: Election lawyer Robert Barnes was a consistent voice of reason throughout the weeks following the election. In a recent interview/discussion, he describes the current situation as akin to The Empire Strikes Back, the sequel to Star Wars wherein it seems all hope is lost. He argues that a darker second act will make the triumphant third act all the more glorious. The interview includes many other good points on hot topic legal issues - well worth the watch.


GOVERNMENTS IN COLLAPSE: It appears snap elections will soon be held in the Netherlands and Italy as their respective governments collapse. New elections in Italy may open the door for nationalist Salvini's return to power as two nationalist parties seem to be positioned to run the next government.

BACK TO CHINA: According to China critic Gordan Chang, given the coming policy changes under Biden, Walmart is cancelling orders it had placed with domestic suppliers and sending them to Chinese factories. 

CHINA-RUSSIA ALLIANCE? Caspian Report offers its take on China-Russia relations and why a full alliance is likely not in the cards.

NATIONS AGAINST SOCIAL MEDIA: Nations the world over are reacting to the blatant censorship of President Trump and conservatives by social media platforms. Merkel of Germany came out against the banning of President Trump (you know things are getting out of hand when the Germans are warning against creeping fascism in your country). Poland is enacting monetary penalties on social media platforms that censor Polish citizens. And in an ironic act of pure hypocrisy, Twitter condemned Uganda for banning social media ahead of national elections. This comes after Twitter banned a sitting US President, purged tens of thousands of Trump supporters from its service, cheered the destruction of its conservative-leaning competitor, and influenced the results of the US national election. The sad part is that the hypocrisy will only get worse. For the moment, conservatives can cheer as Facebook and Twitter stocks took a combined $51 billion hit this week.


ABORTED VACCINE? (UPDATE): In a previous R&G we noted that the Catholic Church has officially backed the use of the new coronavirus vaccines. Pope Francis has since roundly approved their use. But what about the morality of the vaccine? We've done some digging on the topic of abortion's connection to the vaccine and found that cell lines stemming to aborted children in the 1970s and 1980s were used as part of vaccine R&D. This article stresses that no aborted tissues are in the vaccine and that the cells used result from abortions decades ago. This interview with expert Pamela Acker, however, raises serious concerns about the vaccine's ethics. Do watch, but note that the interview gets graphic, so we recommend avoid listening to it around small children.

FIRST ABORTION FREE STATE? It appears as though Missouri is the first state in the US to be abortion free. Although Planned Parenthood claims there is one place available for abortions in St. Louis, attempts to schedule abortions are rejected with a message saying: "abortion services are not offered at this location." It is a great triumph for one state and the lives of the unborn. More from Church Militant.

AMEN AND A-WOMEN? Missouri Representative Emanuel Cleaver, a Methodist pastor, concluded a recent Congressional prayer with the words "Amen and A-women". One would think a college educated pastor would know that the etymology of "Amen" has nothing to do with males. It goes to show how poorly educated is his left-wing audience and how low he can go to take advantage of their ignorance to score cheap partisan points during a moment which should be sacred and above partisanship.

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