Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Catholic Sociobiology: A NEW PARADIGM

I. Catholic Sociobiology and Natural History

  1. Introduction to Catholic Sociobiology: Chardin and de Lubac
  2. Catholic Sociobiology: EO Wilson and Henri de Lubac
  3. Catholic Culture as adaptation and natural selection
  4. Getting the Universe Right 
  5. Infinite Dissipation and Hell:The Realism of Pope Francis
  6. Man and Cosmos: A Review of Remi Brague   
  7. The Fundamental Categories
  8. God, Nature, and Violence
  9. When God Created Matter
  10. Spooky Action at a Distance: Non locality and the Original Unity
  11. Was there an Adam and Eve? 
  12. Max Planck on God, Religion, and Science
  13. The Evolution of Christic Conciousness and Owen Barfield
  14. Dominance Hierarchy, Jordan Peterson, and Catholic Sociobiology 
  15. Feast of Corpus Christi and a Lesson from Nature

II. Communio Theology

  1. Being as Communion: John Zizoulas
  2. Communio theology: Rowland and Popes
  3. Marital Love: Three Popes   
  4. Trinity Sunday and Masculine Communio
  5. The Church and the Culture War: Joyce Little on Sacred Order and Sexual Anarchy
  6. The Three Peoples of God: The Human Species, The Jews, The Church. A Reflection on Lumen Gentium and Thomas Wilson O. P.
  7. Robert Nisbet: In Quest of Community. 
  8. Personalism in Metaphysics and Epistemology - Paul Tyson (Why Augustine is a better personalist model than Aquinas)
  9.  Henri de Lubac SJ and Thomas White OP on Catholicism by Frederick Blonigen 

III. Patriarchy, Fraternity, and Communio

  1. Patriarchal Fraternity and the Original Mission of Adam
  2. Consecrating Masculine Fraternity
  3. What is an Apostolic Church?
  4. Fraternity as Political Category
  5. Russell Hittinger and the Polity in Catholic Social Teaching
  6. Fatherhood, Filiation, and Fraternity: Scripture on the Beloved Son and Brotherhood
  7. Sacred Order; Sexual Order      
  8. The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel
  9. She Dogs and Tomcats-a Poem 
  10. The Apostolic Priesthood: An Icon of the Trinity and a Template for the Nations.

IV. Visual and Liturgical Representation 
of Catholic Sociobiology

  1. Icons of Catholic Sociobiology
  2. The Challenge of Elijah: Protect Life and The Distinctions of God's Law. Reject the Muddled Mayhem of Modernism
  3. Apostolic Fraternity and Marian Femininity (two audio-talks with visuals)
  4. Feasts of Communio: Trinity and Corpus Christi
  5. Eucharist in Holy Week: Space/Time/Person
  6. The Three Comings of Christ 

V. Nature of Religion

  1. The Sacred as Reality: Mircea Eliade
  2. Idea of the Holy: Rudolph Otto
  3. Durkheim and Douglas: Religion as the Solidarity of Shared Classifications
  4. Mary Douglas: Purity as Danger and How Institutions Think
  5. Phillip Rief on Prohibitions and the Sacred; on the Jew in Culture  

VI. Liturgy, Culture and Character

  1. Liturgical Theology: Chan and Schmemann
  2. Liturgical Theology: Fagerberg, Kavanaugh, Schmemann
  3. Authority, Character, Culture: Lasch, Adorno, and Rief
  4. Liturgy and Personality by Hildebrand
  5. Trinity, Eucharist, and Person: Insights of Philosopher/phenomenologist Robert Sokolowski

VII Perfecting the Person: Virtues, Emotions, Ordered Desires and Love

  1. Morality the Catholic View: Servais Pinckaers, O.P.
  2. The Logic of Desire: Aquinas on Emotion by Lombardo
  3. Spiritual Reality and a Full Palette of Human Emotions
  4. Whet, Suppress and Reorder: Aiming virtues at the emotions
  5. Purity, Virginity and the Meaning of Sex by von Hildebrand
  6. The Heart by von Hildebrand
  7. The Social Order of Honor and Shame; Aligning the sacred and social emotions of Awe, Fear and Disgust. Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Haidt
  8. From Personal Piety to the Kingship of Christ: The Ordered Loves of the Sacred Heart
  9. Status, Sacraments, and the State of Grace: Integrating the Alienated and Restoring Sinners through Sacramental Realism

VIII Culminating in Christ-Alpha Male of the Species, King of the Jews and Nations, Lord of Nature and History, Son of God

  1. The Sacred Heart:the Loves of Christ and Social Kingship
  2. When God became King
  3. Fatherhood, Filiation and Fraternity-the Return of the  Beloved Son
  4. Christ the King - Culminating the Church Year-the Alpha Male Completes the Species

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