Saturday, June 26, 2021

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JUNE 26

by A. Joseph Lynch


COMMUNION WARS: The USCCB debated and then voted to begin drafting a document on Eucharistic coherence - yet amid the news it was leaked that no national policy will be instituted even after "Catholic" politicians like Ted Lieu give up being "personally opposed to" abhorrent practices like abortion then dares the Church to deny him Communion. This comes as the US bishops plan a nationwide Eucharistic renewal. It should be patently obvious that Eucarist renewal requires two things the bishops will not approve: 1) the denial of the Eucharist to pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Catholic in open defiance of Church teaching and the natural law; and 2) the restoration of Communion received kneeling and on the tongue. Faith in the Eucharist will only return when Catholics hear the teaching and see it practiced in a Catholic culture of life.

NAMING NAMES: Church Militant is going to war. While the Fr. Altman Vortex episode was not the organization at its best, the recent Vortex episode from Michael Voris on the St. Gregory of Nazianzus quote warning Catholics of the dangers of bad bishops was spot on. Now, after a long interview with priested embattled with their bishops, Michael Voris released a Vortex episode that began revealing damaging information they have on bishops in the American church. Church Militant is always at its best when it sticks to good history and hard-hitting journalism (like the recent reporting on the disappearance of scandal-plagued Bishop Zanchetta). We hope more of this comes in the comes in the days and weeks ahead. 

MARSHALL ON THE SACRED HEART: June is the month of the Sacred Heart, not "Gay Pride" month. Need more information about the history and pious practices on the Sacred Heart? Taylor Marshall has you covered.


SUPPORTING AUDITS: As Democrats denounce election security and even sue Georgia for its new (rather timid) election law, Americans want more audits. According to a new poll, 55% of Americans favor election audits. CNN may claim Russian democracy is a farce, but it's Putin (who enjoys immense political support from his people) who has flipped the tables on US, pointing out America's increasing turn towards leftist totalitarianism and single-party rule.

JUNETEENTH VS MLK: We at AoA have our doubts surrounding the new federal holiday of Juneteenth. Had this been established years before the rise of BLM and the death of George Floyd, we have other opinions. As it stands, Juneteenth appears to be a recognition of the black power movement that stands in stark opposition to the Christian black civil rights movement of Martin Luther King, Jr. Even the satire site, The Babylon Bee, pointed this out by labeling MLK a "far right extremist" for wanting the races to be treated equally. Indeed, watch as "Juneteenth" gains much more attention than the memory of MLK in the years ahead. On "Juneteenth" of this year - which is supposed to celebrate white soldiers freeing of the last black slaves - we saw people across social media post images of the raised black fist - including from the out-of-touch establishment crony, Mike Pence. In lighter news surrounding the new holiday, IKEA found itself in hot water for serving friend chicken and watermelon to celebrate.

HILLARY'S WUHAN FEARS: Leaked cables provided by Wikileaks revealed that Hillary Clinton warned France that the Wuhan lab might produce a bioweapon. Where is this in the media? More from Jack Posobiec. Meanwhile it was revealed that Google - who seemingly help censor those promoting the lab leak hypothesis - helped fund the Wuhan research for over a decade.

WUHAN LAB LEAK? Watch this excellent video with Bret Weinstein. Weinstein is facing "cancellation" over his interview with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance concerning the use of Ivermectin to treat the coronavirus.


US MILITARY GONE WOKE: In his appalling testimony General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is defending the teaching of critical race theory at prestigious military colleges like West Point - despite past military denials that critical race theory was being taught. We've long argued at AoA that the US military has embraced a radical feminist, homosexual, and now racial ideology for its officer class. Advancement up the chain of command will no longer be determined based on competence alone but on the full support of anti-American woke ideology. As the Left takes over more and more institutions, the US military is perhaps the most dangerous institution to lose - and it's falling rapidly (no thanks to men like John McCain, Dick Cheney, and Mitt Romney). 

NO TRUST IN US MEDIA: A recent poll conducted in 46 countries found America in last place in terms of media trust with only 29% of Americans trusting the media. It appears all other nations saw media trust in the media go up during the pandemic, yet Americans - for good reason - didn't follow suit. This comes as media outlets like Reuters and USA Today began partnering with third-party fact checkers to fact check their stories. The fact that major media outlets - who are supposed to be the fact checkers - have to partner up with third-party fact checkers comes as a pseudo-response to the national decline in media trust.

MORE PHONES THAN DADS: With Father's Day in the rearview mirror, Rob Henderson on Twitter reveals troubling new data: more children have smartphones than fathers at home.

PARENTS REJECT CRT AND TRANSGENDERISM: A battle is raging in Loudon county, a bedroom community in northern Virginia for many of Washington DC's elites, over the use of transgender pronouns and the teaching of critical race theory. One teacher was wrongfully terminated by the school after speaking out at a public school board meeting held to get people's opinions and feedback. Patriotic parents responded to the board by singing the national Anthem. This is America. More from Dr. Steve Turley.
END OF FEMALE SPORTS? The Olympics are allowing "Laurel" Hubbard - a biological male - to compete as a woman in Olympic weightlifting. Sexual confusion such as this will not end until women awake to find their sports in total chaos as men win all the prizes. So we hope he wins the gold!

HATING AMERICA: Leftists might love their own idea of "America" but they hate America as it is and its history. They seek not to improve the nation as it is and celebrate its greatness while understanding its failures but rather to destroy it and start over. Two case studies in Leftwing anti-Americanism can be found in singer Macy Gray and American Olympian cycler, "Chelsea" Wolfe (another biological male allowed to play as a woman). Gray, who hasn't been culturally relevant for two decades, wrote in connection to "Juneteenth" that she wants the flag destroyed and replaced while Wolfe wants only to win a medal in order to "burn a US flag on the podium." Why does America even allow someone who speaks like this to play on their national team? 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JUNE 19

by A. Joseph Lynch


Joe Biden is an unmitigated disaster. In his major trip to meet with the G7 and first public meeting with Vladimir Putin, Biden's dementia could not be hidden from the world at large. The friendly US press corps could not cover for him abroad, there was no tight schedule to allow Biden's staff to hide his deteriorating mental state, and no teleprompters to read from during live televised meetings with foreign leaders. 

Biden began his "European vacation" by saying how excited "Jill and I and Joe" were to visit American troops in Europe. Not long after he spoke of America's "sacred obligation" to defend Europe. Apparently in his advanced mental decline he still thinks the Soviet Union exists, the Berlin Wall still stands, and Europe faces an existential threat from the east. At the summit, Biden stumbled into a tent of people and had to be rescued by his wife amid the laughter of onlookers. He cut off Boris Johnson to introduce a world leader... who Johnson had just introduced. And in what could have become an international crisis, Biden confused Syria and Libya three times within the context of war. 

His dementia was so patently obvious that Canadian leader, Justin Trudeau, was overheard saying that he fully expected Kamala Harris in the Oval Office by the end of 2022. The thought of a Kamala-Pelosi administration is the one, stark reason to pray ardently for Biden's health. 

Seriously, kneel down and pray.

Biden was hailed by French leader Immanuel Macron, who was glad that Biden - unlike Trump - was "part of the club" (though polls show respect for the US in France and Germany have not increased). No, Biden is exactly the kind of American leader that the Europeans love: a blathering, senile, globalist pushover who will put the good of globalists elites over what's best for ordinary American citizens. Indeed, Macron showed the world what he meant when he publicly berated Biden in front of the cameras. Biden sat and took it, clearly unable to defend himself or America's reputation.

French President Macron berates the globalist "club member" Biden, the kind of pushover American leader Europeans love.

In his meeting with Putin, it was clear who was in charge. Putin addressed reporters by name and spoke confidently with quick-witted answers. Biden was a word salad mess, who couldn't get through the meeting without flash cards. Meanwhile the Russian military staged a massive wargame that sent F-22 fighters scrambling from Hawaii (of course this could also be a response to the NATO wargames in the Black Sea region). 

When asked if he trusted Putin, Biden nodded in agreement.

As Biden returns to the US, his agenda is in tatters, the crisis at the border continues, inflation soars, and his poll numbers are falling. Nevertheless, we hope and pray he can make it through to 2024.


CARDINAL PELL & VATICAN SCANDALS: The scandals Cardinal Pell suspected have been coming to the light - but what other scandals might soon arise?

CARDINAL MARX REMAINS: In an appearance of show theater, Cardinal Marx of Cologne, Germany submitted his resignation to Pope Francis - only to have that resignation rejected. Marx, one of the leading liberals in the hierarchy, will remain at his post. But could it be that more devastating scandals in Germany might soon arise? If so, it could be that Francis is not allowing him to sneak away before the storm arrives. Only time will tell.

AMERICAN PROTESTANT LEADERS: The Southern Baptists have elected a new head - a moderate named Ed Litton - who defeated the two leading candidates in the denomination's election. Litton won by a slim margin, but his election signals a middle path between two wings within the Southern Baptists. Meanwhile liberal mainline Lutherans in the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America - the largest Lutheran denomination in the US) have elected their first transgendered bishop. "Megan" Rohrer represents the continued Leftward march being made by America's mainline Protestant denominations. 


BIDEN AGENDA COLLAPSE: Democrats in Washington are worrying and filled with anxiety as Biden's far-Left agenda grinds to halt. The man who is saving the nation is no Republican, but rather a Democrat from West Virginia named Joe Manchin - a man who Pat Buchanan believes acts as a profile in courage.

WUHAN LAB LEAK THEORY: Through the election season the media and big tech shut down any discussion of a Chinese lab leak coronavirus origin. It seemed likely at the time as it does now. The only difference is that they needed Trump gone so they kept the obvious under wraps until the President was removed. Even still the most in the media are trying to downplay the lab leak hypothesis - which is why Left-wing news comedian, Jon Stewart's forceful promotion of the lab leak theory on Colbert's late night show was so amazing and well worth the watch. Ric Grenell came forward to say intelligence presented the lab leak theory to Trump in April 2020 - and we're told it was Biden who initially quashed the investigation into the lab leak theory (before changing his mind). As the lab leak theory looks less and less like a theory, the real competing theories pertain to why it was never more prominent until now. There are likely three reasons: 1) to further the outright removal President Trump; 2) fear and hatred of President Trump among America's scientists; and, 3) fear of top scientists and doctors (like Dr. Fauci) being connected to "gain of function" - or biological weaponization - research in China.

TRUMP VINDICATED FROM FAKE NEWS: A government watchdog has verified what we already knew: President Trump did not use the police to disperse a crowd of riotous protestors so he could stand defiant with the Bible in front of the burned out church the rioters had attacked. Of course, thinking back to those dark days last summer, we are all the more disheartened that the DOJ could level thousands of charges against the handful of protesters in the Capitol riot yet could hardly muster a single charge against the thousands of people threatening the White House and the duly elected President. Where were the charges of sedition back then?


THE FALL OF NETANYAHU: Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, has fallen from power. In a stunning deal brokered between a fledgling nationalist party and political centrists, the nationalist Naftali Bennett will act as prime minister until September 2023 and then will stand aside to allow Yair Lapid, a centrist party leader, to take over. Though he describes himself as farther to the right than Netanyahu, Bennet appears to be so only in terms of foreign policy while seeming to be more center-left in terms of domestic policy. In other words, expect more unnecessary conflict with Iran and more leftward move in terms of Israel's culture and religion. This is not an improvement. More on Bennet.


RUSSIAN GAS TO GERMANY: Pat Buchanan explains why the Germans are happy to accept Russian gas - and why Russia is not the scary monster we're constantly told it is. 

NEW HUNGARY BAN: Hungary has banned the promotion of homosexuality in schools and shows or movies children may see. Hungarian leader Orban continues to foster a Catholic culture in the small yet fierce Catholic nation. Despite their ethnic and religious differences, a common Christianity culture makes for deep inroads between men like Orban and Putin.


BLACK MAN TARGETS WHITES: A story few have heard but would have been all the rage had the headline been reversed. Justin Tyran Roberts, a 39 year old black man, specifically targeted innocent white people for shooting in a racially motivated crime wave. At Yale a speaking black psychiatrist talked of fantasizing about killing white people. In Missouri, a black woman fired into a car carrying a family of six. Another woman in California went into full critical race theory mode by assaulting a 67 year old for not checking her white privilege. Contrary to critical race theory dogma, a black person can be just as racist as anyone else. Meanwhile in Georgia, Atlanta police have done nothing to fight even drive by shootings because the mayor has banned police pursuits. America's cities are crumbling and we have critical race theory to blame for it. 

WHITENESS IS A CONDITION? A research article in a peer-reviewed medical journal argued that "whiteness" is a "malignant, parasitic-like condition." Change "whiteness" with any other ethnicity or skin color and you know cries of "racism" would sound day and night. "Reverse racism" is still racism. Whenever you hear someone attempt to defend critical race theory as teachings about racism, remind them that the "teaching" of CRT is itself racist.

WOKENESS IN THE MILITARY: While the enlisted men in the US military are largely conservative, the top officers have been educated and indoctrinated to be as woke as woke can be. It's no surprise that the military is now moving to include transgenders (and even pay for their "transitions") while now allowing women to wear pony tails. What many rank and file soldiers have feared may soon come to pass: a US military no longer concerned with national defense but rather with being America's woke guinea pig. 

ENCOURAGED TO SNITCH: In a situation eerily similar to those that took place in the Soviet Union, Massachusetts youth are being encouraged to anonymously snitch on their teachers and peers for "microaggressions" like saying something is "crazy" or referring to the "China" virus. What's worse, how long before students or faculty begin falsely accusing others they simply don't like? That happened in the Soviet Union too.

NOT THE RIGHT MINORITY: The NFL has gone so far off the BLM deep end, that claims are arising of racial profiling against non-black minorities. The case of Eugene Chung not being the "right minority" for a coaching job.

"APPETITE FOR WAR AND KILLING": The head of Google's diversity division claimed that Jews have an "insatiable appetite for war and killing." The anti-Semitic comments were revealed as Israel faced a new conflict with Palestinians (who were blindly lobbing bombs into Israel). The comments come as a sad reminder that while conservatives are called racist it is actually those on the Left who often make the most racist comments. For the leftist, any words are justified when spoken against the "enemy".  

ALL-MALE DRAFT REMAINS... FOR NOW: The US Supreme Court will not take up a case from a men's rights group allied with the ACLU regarding the male-only draft. Justices Sotomayor, Breyer, and... Brett Kavanaugh appeared willing to force women into the draft. Though the courts have rejected adding women to the draft, it appears as though liberal and neocon "feminists" are ready to force our daughters to war rather than admit that men and women are different and that they have different responsibilities and duties.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Religion, Nations, and Geopolitical Review: SATURDAY, JUNE 5

by A. Joseph Lynch


WOMEN'S ORDINATION AND EXCOMMUNICATION: Despite the label of "liberal" pope, Francis has condemned the blessing of homosexual couples and has now revised canon law to not only automatically excommunicate any woman attempting to be ordained to the diaconate, presbyterate, or episcopate, but any clerics involved as well. Remission of the excommunication, furthermore, is reserved to Rome and cannot be sacramentally forgiven by a priest or local bishop. It may very well be that the move comes in order to stop the German bishops from "ordaining" deaconesses - as the Pope's condemnation of gay blessings is being disregarded among the rebellious German clergy.

CARDINAL MARX OUT? It is being reported that the rabidly liberal German prelate, Cardinal Marx, submitted his resignation to Pope Francis on May 21. Although he claims it is done in solidarity with those who have been abused at the hands of clerics, Taylor Marshall wonders if Marx isn't jumping ship ahead of a major scandal soon to break in Germany.

CALLING FOR A COUP? General Flynn, the disgraced former National Security Advisor to President Trump, seemingly called for a Myanmar-style military coup to take place here in the United States. His words came during a conference that boasted strong ties to the QAnon conspiracy. The "Q" source is likely a Democrat operative within the deep state feeding false information to Trump supporters - which makes one wonder why anyone on the right is still promoting it. Taken together, Michael Flynn might have been pardoned, but he belongs no where near a future Trump second term.

MORE MINNESOTA RIOTS: Rioters loot and burn once more in Minneapolis after police kill a man who had reportedly fired a weapon. Once more we see that no matter how justified, many supporters of BLM and Antifa will only keep the violence going. Has Biden done anything to restore race relations in this country?   

"BRAIN DEAD" NATO: Under pressure from the populist right, Macron has justifiably launched a criticism of "brain dead" NATO. The French president questions funding the organization as it created to fight the Soviet Union - an "evil empire" that hasn't existed for thirty years. Regardless who wins the French presidency, we hope this is one step closer to the breakup of NATO.